SEND & Inclusion
What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability. A child who has a learning difficulty or disability, which is a barrier to them making age-expected progress, may require additional, often specialist, provision. This additional provision sits outside of the usual quality-first teaching.
There are four areas of SEND:
· Communication and Interaction.
· Cognition and Learning.
· Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties.
· Physical and/or Sensory Needs.
Children may fall under one or more of these areas of need.
What Can Bow Community Primary School Do to Help?
At Bow we are passionate about enabling children to reach their full potential irrespective of their level of need. We maintain the highest expectations and endeavour to do all we can to help all children flourish.
The staff at Bow have a wealth of experience in dealing with children with SEND. If you want to know more about the provision for your child or want to find out more about a particular area of need, please do speak to the SEND co-ordinator (Ali Gillard), your class teacher or class support staff.
We do not discriminate in anyway against any pupil seeking admission.
SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator)
The person responsible for managing Bow Community Primary School's provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Alison Gillard.
Contact: 01363 82319 To contact Alison Gillard, please email
For more information please follow the links: