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Promoting Excellent Behaviour

At Bow we are Ready, Respectful, Safe 

Excellent behaviour is the foundation of good learning in any school. The first priority of all staff is creating a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment for the children. Every staff member therefore is as equally trained and responsible for promoting positive behaviour and dealing with any negative behaviours. No matter the role, it is everyone’s responsibility to make our school a calm and safe space.

It is the aim of Bow Community Primary School that every member of the school community feels valued and respected and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community whose values are built upon mutual trust and respect for all. It is to this end that Bow Community Primary School has embraced Restorative practices as its central philosophy, emphasising the belief in fair process and creating a learning environment where everyone feels valued, safe and secure and build upon our relational approach.

Bow Community Primary School core values are:





Our school rules are that:

We are Ready, Respectful and Safe

Setting Positive Expectations:

As well as our core values, our classrooms promote an inclusive environment in which children:

• Feel physically and emotionally safe, secure, connected, understood and cared for

• Consistently demonstrate mutual understanding and respect for each other

• Show appreciation for the contributions of others

• Care for their physical surroundings

• Learn together to achieve meaningful outcomes and remove any potential learning barriers

• Openly share and communicate ideas, troubles, issues and suggestions

• Develop self-confidence and self-reliance

• Accept personal responsibility and accountability for their attitudes and behaviour

• Support their peers

• Are supported to develop positive learning attitudes


The school does not tolerate any form of discrimination, be it on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality, age, religious beliefs or any other reason. If any form of discrimination occurs, it must be dealt with immediately by the staff member who was witness to it, or was first alerted to it. The specific details are recorded on CPOMS and also passed to a member of SLT. The parents of both parties will be informed.

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