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Lunches at Bow

We are fortunate to be able to offer our pupils a cooked meal on site, prepared in our school kitchen. 

Pupils are given a choice of a vegetarian or non-vegetarian main course and sweet, at a current charge of £2.50 per day. 

Lunches must be booked online via School Gateway. We ask that you order your lunches at least three days in advance.

All pupils in EYFS and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a Free School Meal.  Children may have a hot meal and pudding.

Children are encouraged by staff to drink still water throughout the day. Following dental advice, only water should be drunk constantly in class, as both the sugar and acid within juices will damage young teeth if sipped over a period of time. If juices are to be drunk it should be during the break or lunchtime.

Children should not bring into school foods which we regard as unhealthy or unsafe. For example, sweets, fizzy drinks or drinks in glass bottles. 

A piece of fruit, chunk of cheese or a plain biscuit is an appropriate playtime snack.

Free School Meals Information 

Children who are registered for Free School Meals, are included in Government funding under the Pupil Premium scheme.  Schools are allocated extra money to help support pupils in receipt of Free School Meals, to further develop their core subject skills (see the pupil premium page).  You do not have to take up a free school meal in order to qualify - but you do need to register - you can send your child with a packed lunch if you so wish.  The additional funds that Pupil Premium generates is used to support pupils with reading, writing, math's, school uniform and educational visit subsidies, amongst other things. 

If you think you are entitled and not yet claiming, please contact the admissions team at County for further information on 0845 155 1019 or download a form from the Useful Dates Tab.

The children who are entitled to free school meals are those children (other than looked after children) who live with a parent or guardian who is in receipt of Income Support (IS), Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA) Child Tax Credit without Working Tax Credit  with an annual taxable income (as assessed by HMR&C) of less than £16,190, Employment Support Allowance (Income Related), Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit, Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.  For advice please telephone 0845 155 1019.Free school meals are authorised by the Local Education Authority.

To claim free school meals or for more information, please follow the link below:

Free School Meals Information 

Packed Lunches 

A packed lunch, made at home, can be a healthy and delicious choose too. 

We request that the following items are not included in packed lunches or for snacks:

  • Nuts (to safeguard those with allergies)
  • Chocolate Bars
  • Sweet cakes or sugary doughnuts
  • Sweets and chocolate

Please find below a link to some healthy packed lunch ideas. 

Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (

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