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Raising a Concern

Raising a suggestion, concern or complaint

We work hard to maintain good relationships with our parents and the local community.  Sometimes, people can see ways we could improve things, and helpful suggestions are valuable.  Sometimes people want to raise a concern or even complain formally about issues relating to a matter at the school.

 It is the responsibility of the school to manage their own complaints and the Local Authority has no over-riding role other than to give advice. 

Every school must have a Complaints Policy and ours is available on the link below.  If you require a hard copy, please ask at the school office.

If you have a concern or complaint; in the first instance, please contact your child’s class teacher. 

If you feel your complaint has not been addressed or still have concerns, please contact the school office and they will arrange for you to meet with the Headteacher. 

Many concerns can be dealt with informally, however the school will treat the issues you raise seriously and deal with them.

Every effort will always be made to resolve your problem informally, including the possibility of a conciliation meeting.

Parents’ expectations of the school

Parents/carers/members of the public who raise either informal or formal issues or complaints with the school can expect the school to:

  • Regularly communicate to parents/carers in writing
    (i) how and when problems can be raised with the school
    (ii) the existence of the School’s complaints procedure and
    (iii) the existence of the Persistent Complaints/Harassment Policy
  • Respond within a reasonable time
  • Be available for consultation within reasonable time limits bearing in mind the needs of the pupils/students within the school and the nature of the complaint
  • Respond with courtesy and respect
  • Attempt to resolve problems using reasonable means in line with the school’s complaints procedure, other policies and in line with guidance and advice from Devon County Council. 
  • Keep complainants informed of progress towards a resolution of the issues raised
  • The school’s expectations of parents/carers/members of the public

The school expects parents/carers/members of the public who wish to raise problems with the school to:

  • Treat all school staff with courtesy and respect
  • Respect the needs and well-being of pupils and staff within the school
  • Avoid any use, or threatened use, of violence to people or property
  • Avoid any aggression or verbal abuse
  • Recongnise the time constraints under which members of staff in schools work and allow the school a reasonable time to respond
  • Recognise that resolving a specific problem can sometimes take some time
  • (in the case of a complaint) follow the school’s complaints procedure